Digitation and Digitalization
We develop a whole range of digitalization and digitation techniques of legal documents. This
process requires an entire outsourcing program, providing hardware, software, and the delivery
of digital files for business processes. We also provide specific applications for this
Office Management – Customer Service
We provide our clients with comprehensive outsourcing of the implementations, guidelines and
operations of offices in charge of commercial management activities, such as the processing of
applications, claims, collections, reception of applications and customer service.
Multimedia Stations and Segmentation Tool
Our systems and stations offer cost saving advantages, full service schedule, and a highly
developed technological impact on the user. We also develop a system for payment services,
self-consulting, information, and ticket dispensers (Queue System).
Marketing of Financial Products
These commercial services of financial products are geared towards individuals, as well as
corporations throughout the country (Personal Banking, PYMES, among others). This allows to
identify and keep track of non-clients, or to make more profitable relationships with existing
customers through cross-selling strategies. The service includes the identification of customers
with a profile selected by the company, verification processes of the credit ranking of
applicants according to the rules and policies pre-established by the business.
Commercialization and Control Solutions
SCTP - Outsourcing Control System of Products
This is a software solution based on a Workflow that focuses on the value creation of processes
of marketing products, through the use of technological tools that support and integrate
different but complementary services. It includes registration of information, market
segmentation, quality control, billing interface with human resources systems, calculation of
payroll, commissions for the sales force and a Workflow (SCPF) which supports the SCTP
(Outsourcing Control System of Products).
SCV - Control System and Verifications
This is a solution that identifies needs, develops and implements automated solutions on the
basis of physical and logical verifications that support decisions required by the business,
using tools and specialized expertise in the verification process.
Home Address Verification
Check applicant´s home address. It is classified in three different areas (urban, peripheral and
remote). Location, number of inhabitants, characteristics of the property, and any other preset
data is verified. The results are provided to the client through the web within 24 hours.
Employment Verification
Check background and employment relationship, declared information, type of contract,
remuneration, seniority, position held, among other data related to the employer and employee,
in regards to the current or former employment relationship.
Special Verifications
• Human Resources: Former position and performance,
reason for cessation, length of employment, and any other data related to the employee is
• PYME: The company, addresses and features of the
premises, stock market, records, sales level, and others are verified.
• Pensions: Contributions, remuneration and period of
employment is verified. It involves handling unreachable data, use of cameras, photographs,
biometric readers and others.
Verification of Files
The dossier submitted by the applicant (access to telephone services, granting credit lines,
categorization in institutes or universities, among others) is verified according to the
parameters established by the client and the use of database.
Biometric Solutions
Development of solutions based on biometric identification technology geared towards the
prevention of fraud, identity validation, access control, assistance control, and transactional
operations of commercial nature. These can be fingerprint, facial, palm print, vascular or iris
scan biometrics.
CERTISAT – Vehicle Monitoring
This service provides tracking and location of persons or vehicles in real time, based on
GPS/GSM/GPRS technology. This includes a 24/7 specialized monitoring, complemented by the most
efficient management system fleet for corporate use.
OpenERP - Odoo
We provide consultancy service and support for the implementation and maintenance of the
solution Open ERP Odoo.
This ERP has the following modules:
Project Management
Warehouse Management
Sales and Purchase Management
Analytical and Financial Accounting
Points of Sales
Asset Management
Human Resources Management
Logistics Management
Our service integrates the different modules from this open solution with the good practices of
the industry, including the assessment of needs, the correct dimensioning, the implementation
process and the post-sale support.
CERTIFAKT - Electronic Billing
Directed to any company that does not have its own sales software or an ERP. It does not require
implementation. The client will be provided with a username and password for accessing the
online platform through which invoices and electronic tickets, electronic debit and credit
notes, massive ballot registration and low communications can be registered. With our
multi-company option, you can access from any point of sale of your company. In addition, you
have the option to customize the data to be issued on your electronic voucher.